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Vermiwash -  is a liquid vermi organic rich tonic mixed with Super Potassium Humate and Cow Urine


vermi-wash or compost tea is a liquid fertilizer or plant nutrient solution that is derived from steeping vermicompost (worm castings) in water. Vermicomposting is a process in which worms, usually red wigglers (Eisenia fetida), break down organic matter such as kitchen scraps and plant material into nutrient-rich castings. These castings can be used as a potent organic fertilizer.


organic-rich tonic refers to a liquid or solution derived from vermicompost. is the product of the vermicomposting process, where organic waste materials are decomposed by worms, resulting in a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Buy online at reasonable prices

organic rich tonic- vermi wash in india for protecting plants from diseases

Vermi Organic Rich Tonic Specifications:

compost tea for plant and soil enhancer image view

Organic Content: Minimum 90%

Nutrient Composition:

Nitrogen (N): Minimum 1%

Phosphorus (P): Minimum 0.5%

Potassium (K): Minimum 1%

Humic Acid: Minimum 5%

Fulvic Acid: Minimum 1%

Other Organic Nutrients: Present in balanced amounts

Microbial Composition:

Beneficial Microbes (from compost tea): Minimum 10^6 CFU/ml

Cow Urine Extract: Minimum 10% concentration

pH Range: 6.0 to 7.5

Solubility: Completely soluble in water

Appearance: Dark brown liquid

Odor: Natural, earthy scent with no foul odor

Shelf Life: Minimum 12 months when stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Packaging: Available in sealed containers or bottles to maintain product integrity.

Benefits of vermi wash- Vermi Organic Rich Tonic

Nutrient Enhancement: Vermi wash provides essential nutrients, organic matter, and humic substances to improve soil fertility and plant health.

Microbial Activity: Contains beneficial microbes that enhance nutrient availability, stimulate root growth, and promote overall plant growth.

Organic and Sustainable: Derived from organic sources, promoting sustainable farming practices and reducing chemical dependency.

Soil Conditioning: Improves soil structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient retention.

Plant Stress Tolerance: Enhances the plant’s ability to withstand environmental stresses, such as drought, salinity, and disease.

Plant Growth Promotion: Stimulates root development, increases nutrient uptake, and enhances overall plant growth.

Safe and Environmentally Friendly: Vermi wash is Non-toxic to humans, animals, and beneficial organisms when used as directed.

vermicompost tea or vermi wash in india for controlling plants and crops diseases image view


Here are some general guidelines for dosing

  1. Dilution Ratio:

    • A common dilution ratio is around 1:4 to 1:10, meaning one part vermicompost tea to four to ten parts water. This diluted solution is then applied to plants.
  2. Seedlings and Delicate Plants:

    • For young seedlings or delicate plants, you may want to use a more diluted solution, such as a 1:10 or even 1:20 ratio.
  3. Established Plants:

    • Established plants can generally tolerate a slightly more concentrated solution, such as a 1:5 or 1:8 ratio.
  4. Frequency:

    • The frequency of vermiwash application can vary. Some gardeners apply vermicompost tea every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, while others may use it more frequently. It’s essential to monitor the health of your plants and adjust the application schedule accordingly.
  5. Soil Testing:

    • Consider getting a soil test to understand the nutrient levels in your soil. This can help you tailor the dosage based on the specific needs of your plants and soil.
  6. Observation:

    • Observe how your plants respond to it. If you notice signs of over-fertilization (such as leaf burn or excessive foliage), reduce the concentration or frequency of application.



Package Quantity- Available in  5Ltrs and 10 Ltrs


wilt control - organic wilt care prevent Dry Rot, and to Eradicate those that are already present in the Soil and Plants.


‘WILT CARE’ is a rich mix of Vermicompost Manure with Neem Powder and Biological Insecticides like Trichoderma Harzianum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis, Biological Fungicides, to prevent Dry Rot, and to Eradicate those that are already present in the Soil and Plants.

plant toor protection - organic root protectors bangalore protects the crop by eradicating root worms which are dangerous to the root system of the plant,


its pesticidal properties, neem oil also has some fungicidal and bactericidal properties. It can help control fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, as well as bacterial infections in plants.

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