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Plant root protection - ORGANIC ROOT PROTECTOR that benefits the root system. It protects the crop by eradicating root worms.


Plant Roots & Key Aspects

Plant roots are vital components of plants that serve various essential functions. They are typically found underground and are responsible for a range of crucial processes.

key aspects of plant roots:

Anchorage: One of the primary functions of plant roots is to anchor the plant in the soil. This anchorage provides stability, preventing the plant from toppling over in strong winds or heavy rains.

Water and Nutrient Absorption: Roots are responsible for absorbing water and essential nutrients from the soil. They have specialized structures, such as root hairs, that increase the surface area for absorption. Water and nutrients are transported through the root system to the rest of the plant.

Storage: Many plants store reserves of carbohydrates and other nutrients in their roots. These stored resources can be used during periods of drought, extreme cold, or for supporting new growth in the spring.

Transport: Roots serve as the conduit for transporting water, nutrients, and other compounds from the soil to the rest of the plant. This transport occurs through the plant’s vascular system, including the xylem (for water and minerals) and phloem (for organic compounds).

Interaction with Soil Microorganisms: Roots facilitate interactions with beneficial soil microorganisms. Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, aiding in nutrient absorption and enhancing the plant’s overall health.

Anchorage for Soil Conservation: The presence of plant roots in the soil helps prevent erosion by binding the soil particles together and reducing the likelihood of topsoil loss.

Oxygen Exchange: Roots need oxygen for respiration. They exchange gases with the soil, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.

Adaptation to Environment: Different plant species have various types of root systems adapted to their specific environments. For example, some plants have fibrous root systems, while others have taproots. These adaptations help plants thrive in different conditions.

Propagation: In some cases, plant roots can be used for vegetative propagation. This involves taking cuttings from a parent plant’s roots and encouraging them to grow into new plants.

Support for Aerial Parts: In addition to anchorage, roots can provide additional support to above-ground structures, such as stems and branches, as is the case with adventitious roots in some plants.

Environmental Monitoring: Roots can sense changes in the soil environment, such as moisture levels and the presence of toxins. This information is transmitted to the rest of the plant, allowing it to respond to changing conditions.


ORGANIC ROOT PROTECTOR – An organic root protector that benefits the root system. It protects the crop by eradicating rootworms which are dangerous to the root system of the plant, and soil-borne parasites of various types of hostile insects, especially nematodes.

plant toor protection - organic root protectors bangalore protects the crop by eradicating root worms which are dangerous to the root system of the plant,
plant organic root protector india image view

Organic root protector(Plant root booster or plant root growth enhancer) – An organic root protector that benefits the root system. It protects the crop by eradicating rootworms which are dangerous to the root system of the plant, and soil-borne parasites of various types of hostile insects, especially nematodes.

Moreover, the micro-organisms that provide nutrients unavailable to plant roots in the soil, i.e., the microbial consortium, are abundant in the ‘root protector’.

It is enriched with good quality vermicompost, neem flour, meta rhizome anisophyll, Paesilomyces lilacinus, and VAM (Vascular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza).

Organic root protector(Stimulator or Booster)

A “Root Booster” is a product or substance designed to promote and enhance the growth and development of plant roots. These products are typically used to improve the overall health and vigor of plants, increase their resistance to stress, and enhance their ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Root boosters can be beneficial for various types of plants, including garden plants, crops, trees, and ornamental plants.+

plant toor protection - organic root protectors bangalore protects the crop by eradicating root worms which are dangerous to the root system of the plant,

Components and Benefits of Organic Root Boosters:

. Beneficial Microorganisms: Some root boosters contain beneficial microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria. These microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, increasing nutrient uptake and enhancing root growth.

  1. Plant Hormones: Plant growth regulators, like auxins, can be included in root booster products. These hormones stimulate root development and branching, resulting in a denser and more extensive root system.
  2. Vitamins and Nutrients: Root boosters often contain essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that support root growth and overall plant health. These nutrients can include phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements.
  3. Organic Matter: Some root boosters may include organic matter, such as humic acids and fulvic acids. These organic compounds can improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability.
  4. Amino Acids: Amino acids are important building blocks for plant proteins and enzymes. Root boosters containing amino acids can help plants develop stronger and healthier roots.
  5. Stress Resistance: Many root boosters aim to enhance a plant’s ability to withstand environmental stressors, such as drought, extreme temperatures, or disease. This can be achieved by improving the overall health of the root system.
  6. Improved Water and Nutrient Uptake: By enhancing root growth and function, root boosters can help plants absorb water and nutrients more efficiently from the soil, leading to better overall growth and productivity.
  7. Transplant Success: Root boosters are commonly used when transplanting seedlings or established plants to help them establish and adapt to their new growing environment more effectively.

Root boosters are available in various forms, including liquid concentrates, granules, and powders. The application methods can vary, but they often involve mixing the product with water and then applying it to the soil or directly to the root zone of the plants.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines when using root boosters to avoid over application, which can be detrimental to plants. Additionally, consider the specific needs of your plants and the characteristics of your soil to determine if a root booster is necessary for your gardening or agricultural practices.



Package Quantity- Available in  5kg ,10kg 40kg and 50kg bags.


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